Safeguarding is at the heart of our Christian Faith and part of the mission of the church.

The parish is committed to the establishment of a protective, safe, caring, and respectful pastoral  ministry to all children, young people, vulnerable adults and adults at risk and  where there is a culture of inclusiveness and openness irrespective of age, gender and sexuality.

The Parish will:

1)      Carefully select, train and support all those with responsibilities and positions of trust within the church. Selection will be in line with the House of Bishop’s “Safer Recruitment and People Management 2021”. The essential learning pathways for specific roles will follow the guidelines of the House of Bishop’s “Safeguarding Learning and Development2021” . Training will be kept up to date and refreshed after a three year period. We will advise the diocese which registered body we use to process applications for criminal record checks and will inform Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor of any disclosure which is “blemished” or “positive”.

2)      Ensure there is a basic understanding of safeguarding by everyone who holds a position of responsibility and also by the wider church community, promoting a culture of vigilance and that safeguarding is for everybody by everybody. Encourage everyone to read the policy statements and abide by the principles of good and safe practice and to have the confidence and skill to recognise and respond to allegations of any form of abuse.

3)      Ensure the working within the recommended and prescribed policies and procedures, creating a safer working environment and good practice for vulnerable people, church officers and volunteer helpers.

4)      Ensure there are risk assessments carried out for activities involving vulnerable groups within the church community including volunteer role descriptions and a policy for lone working.

5)       Closely monitor the use of social media including photography.

6)      Listen to, take seriously and respond to every safeguarding concern or allegation made which suggests that a child, young person or vulnerable adult may have been harmed and there will be full co-operation with the police and local authority in any investigation. The Diocesan Safeguarding Team will be notified immediately. The Charity Commission will be informed should an accusation of a serious incident be made against a church officer. Follow the principle of Recognise, Respond, Record, Refer.

7)      Clearly and visibly display the reporting procedure in the form of a flow chart with a list of contact numbers and help lines. These will be displayed in the safeguarding section of the notice boards, in the safeguarding folders and on the parish website.

8)      Seek to work with and support anyone who has suffered abuse in any form, developing with him or her as well as any other affected person, an appropriate ministry of informed pastoral care. The parish has a Statement on Domestic Abuse

9)      Seek to challenge any abuse of power especially by anyone in a position of trust, promoting acceptable behaviour and parameters of conduct.

10)   Offer informed pastoral care, support and  supervision and whilst working with the appropriate authorities and agencies,  to any member of our church community known to have offended against a child, young person, vulnerable adult or adult at risk.  The parish has a policy “The Recruitment of an Ex-offender into a Volunteer Role” which was reviewed 2022.

11)   Review this and other policies annually. Policies are available to read in the safeguarding folders in the churches.

12)   Will supply a copy of the updated parish safeguarding policy statement to the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor.